Neidio i'r prif gynnwy

Beth yw Helpa Fi i Stopio?

Mae Helpa Fi i Stopio yn wasanaeth arbenigol am ddim gan y GIG sy'n darparu cymorth i ysmygwyr sydd eisiau help i roi'r gorau i ysmygu.  Gall rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu fod yn anodd iawn, ond gyda chymorth Helpa Fi i Stopio mae pobl yn fwy tebygol o roi'r gorau iddi yn llwyddiannus. Mae ymchwil wedi dangos bod pobl bedair gwaith yn fwy tebygol o roi'r gorau i ysmygu gyda chymorth Helpa Fi i Stopio na mynd ati ar eu pennau eu hunain.

Mae Helpa Fi i Stopio yn rhoi cymorth i bobl sydd eisiau rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu drwy gynnig cymorth un i un am ddim gan gynghorydd personol a defnyddio meddyginiaethau rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu gwerth hyd at £250.

Gallwch atgyfeirio eich hun at y gwasanaeth drwy:

0:00 help me quit is a free uh smoking

0:01 sociation Service uh where people can

0:03 receive free uh NHS support to give up

0:06 smoking and they can receive that

0:08 support either through face to- face

0:10 meetings telephone support or through

0:13 their local

0:14 pharmacy so if you sign up for help me

0:16 quit it's a 7- we program and during

0:19 those S weeks we'll help you to devise a

0:21 plan to help you with your attempt at

0:23 giving up smoking and during that time

0:25 we can help you to set uh a quick date

0:28 uh to begin your your journey uh we give

0:30 you advice and support on how to manage

0:32 triggers Cravings throughout your time

0:35 with us we'll have a chat to you about

0:37 maybe the reasons why you've smoked in

0:39 the past that your motivations for

0:42 giving up smoking now and as part of

0:45 that we can also provide you with free

0:46 nicotine replacement therapy to help you

0:49 um to to stay quit and all of those

0:51 things together can help you to become

0:54 smoke free we can provide service in in

0:57 whichever way suits you we can tailor it

0:59 around your needs and your your time

1:02 timetable once you smoke free you'll

1:04 feel the benefits immediately uh within

1:07 48 Hours of you quitting your oxygen

1:09 levels will increase you'll be fitter

1:12 you you you won't be as short of breath

1:14 anymore after 2 to 4 weeks of giving up

1:16 smoking your Airways would have opened

1:18 up you'll taste and you'll smell uh a

1:20 lot better and you'll have more income

1:22 to spend on your family and your and

1:24 your friends using helpy quit is proven

1:27 to be four times more effective than

1:29 than quitting by yourself and we've seen

1:31 that ourselves and the evidence suggests

1:33 that so if you want to give yourself the

1:35 best chance of becoming smoke free then

1:37 get in touch

1:41 [Music]

Safleoedd Ysbytai Di-fwg
Helpa Fi i Stopio i fy Mabi - Ysmygu yn ystod beichiogrwydd
Helpa Fi i Stopio yn yr Ysbyty
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