Efallai eich bod yn cael archwiliadau ar gyfer amheuaeth o ganser, yn aros am driniaeth neu wedi cwblhau triniaeth. Beth bynnag yw eich sefyllfa, mae nawr yn amser da i ofalu am eich iechyd.
Rydym yn gwybod y bydd gwneud y gorau o'ch iechyd a'ch lles yn eich helpu i wella gallu eich corff i ymdopi cyn unrhyw driniaeth canser, sef rhagsefydlu, ac ar ôl triniaeth, sef adsefydlu.
Mae'r cyngor hwn yn addas ar gyfer y boblogaeth gyffredinol, fodd bynnag os oes gennych unrhyw anghenion penodol yn y meysydd hyn o ganlyniad i'r amheuaeth o ganser neu ganser wedi'i gadarnhau, trafodwch hyn gyda'ch gweithiwr allweddol neu weithiwr gofal iechyd proffesiynol.
Mae'r wybodaeth ganlynol yn rhoi'r wybodaeth i chi allu cynnal neu wella eich iechyd cyffredinol:
Gall y sefydliadau isod roi gwybodaeth i chi am wasanaethau lleol i gefnogi eich anghenion rhagsefydlu, drwy gefnogaeth wyneb yn wyneb, dros y ffôn neu ar-lein:
Mae'r Gwasanaeth Rhagsefydlu ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg yn cael ei arwain gan Dietegydd, Therapydd Galwedigaethol a Ffisiotherapydd a'i gefnogi gan Ymarferwyr Cynorthwyol Therapi. Mae'n agored i bobl sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol mewn ymarfer corff, deiet a lles.
Mae'r rhaglen wedi'i chynllunio i helpu i wella iechyd a lles cyffredinol.
Mae’r gwasanaethau canlynol yn cael eu cynnig yn dibynnu ar ganlyniad yr apwyntiad cychwynnol.
Mae’r gwasanaethau hyn yn cael eu cynnig ar draws y bwrdd iechyd — bydd dewis o leoliadau yn cael eu cynnig i weddu i'ch sefyllfa.
Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â'r tîm gan ddefnyddio'r cyfeiriad e-bost canlynol i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y Gwasanaeth Rhagsefydlu: CTM.Prehab@wales.nhs.uk
0:00 [Music]
0:06 yeah late before um I was diagnosed with
0:09 cancer was uh yeah it I don't think it
0:13 was much of a problem I didn't notice
0:15 him only thing I know is I was tired and
0:20 um getting exhausted quick sort of thing
0:23 and more or less that's all it was a
0:25 down to and I went to see uh uh the
0:29 doctor the doctor referred me and fed
0:31 the the NHS and uh
0:36 everybody what can say uh sent me for um
0:40 a test and uh it just went from there
0:44 and they said they'd opened up a new
0:46 program which was for the rehabilitation
0:48 which was uh they give me choices of
0:51 where I wanted to go because where I
0:53 live um so I had R in tler town and I
0:57 attended there twice a week regular
1:00 to get obviously the most benefit of it
1:03 and
1:05 U brilant yeah there's a few of us there
1:09 and un full about anything between five
1:11 and 10 of us there sort of thing and um
1:15 yeah we'd have a uh a sequence of things
1:18 to do with different
1:19 weights um like walk-in session weights
1:23 uh not so much ben it was a little bit
1:25 for everybody you didn't have to um and
1:28 they weren pushed you know you just had
1:30 to and if you couldn't do the exercise
1:33 that they wanted to do they' show you a
1:35 different way to do the exercise was
1:37 easier for you so I couldn't walk very
1:40 far obviously uh he advised me to walk
1:44 and I done a lot of walking to done a
1:46 lot of ill walking as well um just to
1:49 build my strength up and yeah it was uh
1:53 everything they advised me to do I I
1:55 done just to say that the the treatment
1:59 and the service and the attention I've
2:02 had through the NHS has been outstanding
2:05 that's all I can say you know and they
2:07 still watching me now like so anybody
2:10 that are having issues or
2:13 problems and you'll be guided from there
2:16 fantastic